Stranger Things Photoshoot w JoysPhotos

I know Stranger Things Season 2 was really hyped up around Halloween this past year, but I only got to watch the first three episodes during Thanksgiving break. (yeah, I know...lame). Finally, during my precious FULL spring break, I got to watch all of it and I'm obsessed.
Background info: Our spring break went from one week to two days after all those darn inches of snow and that WwIiiNdd storm. Legislation changed it last minute.

For some reason, I've always absolutely loved watching shows and movies. I think it goes for most high schoolers and people in general but I especially have an infatuation with them.
Maybe it's because that's how I grew up (PBS kids 26-3 yo), but I love watching a really interesting youtube video or movie. I think that's why I was always interested in editing videos. The day will come where I will be able to get my hands on my own personal computer with a working premiere pro system mwahaha. I will be unstoppable. (Music covers? Interesting vlogs? Subscribe??)

But for now, aside from my many personal interests and aspirations about random is a fun and very random photoshoot my best friend, Joy, and I did. My school had a spirit week and one of the days was the 1980s. I thought "heck, denim on denim. Billy...Dacre Montgomery. Let's go."
So this is me pretending that I'm part of the Stranger Things cast and hey, they need some headshots?
But can we get some Asian American representation, please?


this turtleneck has SUCH a tiny opening for your head to go through

                      This took hard work- me bending over and gathering muddy, crinkly, aged leaves.
                                                          "let's just take a breather and dream"

                                                               Interesting tree shape

Me: "what should I do, what should I do? Should I do this? Should I lean against this tree? Hey does this look weird?"
Joy: "ahhhh I don't know how to do this. *presses buttons* Yeah, that looks weird."
Me: "what about this?"
Joy: *nervous laugh* Is this the right setting? Why is everything so bright? I need your sister to teach me what these things mean.

Yeah...we didn't know what we are doing. It was super fun though because I've never really had a photo-shoot without my sister being the photographer. The sun was setting, and we walked uphill after going to a forest-spot for the pictures. We felt accomplished. Teamwork makes the dream work.
(blah such a corny message at the end).

