Based on a Journal Entry (Based on Genesis 1)

Dear God,
       Today at bible study I felt convicted because I realized I had not been being the Christian example that I wanted to be at school. My friends would make fun of some people we didn't know because of their appearance. I was starting to get used to it because they judged so much, and I fell into it. I realized that I needed to be more patient and loving to other people because even if the world says otherwise, we have the same value. Bible study really refreshed me and I looked at how I was starting to put the world above me and not God. Sarah showed me a visual example. The bottom represented the earth. The middle was humanity, people. Above us was God, and if God is above us then the whole world is in order. When we don't put God as our first priority, the world takes that empty spot and replaces God as our top priority. Meaning we put relationships, money, jobs, success, objects, and even food above God. The reason why I felt so convicted about my actions was because I realized I, the one girl out of billions that God created, was judging God's beautiful beautiful creation. My heart went out to God because He is so good and He cares for us so much. He is so smart to be able to make the whole earth and heavens in order. I could feel God being sad, and whenever I look back at my actions of judging other people even if I didn't even do a lot of judging I want to crumble into shame. It's also the fact that I put myself on this ranking, along with my friends and it was like we were on the top. But to the people I didn't know and the people that we pointed out that had weird hair or clothes, they were "below" us. I am not on the top or bottom, I am equal a long with my sisters and brothers of Christ. I want to be like God's image, just like humans were meant to be. Even when the world will fall above me sometimes, I will continue a daily struggle and battle between sin. We need to make sure to ask ourselves questions every day such as "will God be pleased by this?" or "will this bring God glory?". Make sure you decide how you want to be presented in the world's view or God's view. I pray that I may have the image of God with me throughout my life. 


  1. Love this post! Really encouraging and convicting. Can't wait for you to post more of what you learn from Bible study. <3

  2. Wow I don't think I would ever post something like this at your age. Good stuff

  3. I love your honesty and heart! This really encouraged me!


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