The Babysitting Files
A couple of minutes ago I thought to myself, "hm. I should preserve these babysitting memories since I know these "babies" will one day grow up. And because these kids make me laugh out loud (and occasionally yell out loud). These series will be called...voila...The Babysitting Files!
So today, Joy gave out candy canes to all the kids (leftovers from her Christmas tree I'm assuming), and they were all giddy. She gave half to little Stephen, since a whole one would give him a crazy sugar rush.
It slipped from his tiny hands and down the half candy cane went. Poor Stephen was miserable. In a mixture of English and baby gibberish, he tugged on my shirt and huskily said, "cen-dyy canne".
His candy cane was shattered to pieces on the floor of Isaac's room.
The following events blew my mind. Victoria gave Stephen half of her candy cane (the top part that curls), but he begged for more after he gobbled it up in two minutes. "Cen-dyyy cannne", he muttered. Victoria, hearing the cries of her little brother, took action and gave away the rest of her candy cane. Points to her for being a great older sister.
I applauded her by saying, "Wow Victoria! That was so nice of you!". This girl walked down the hall and said "It's okay. It's better to be sweet than to eat sweets".
She is either wise beyond her years or a brilliant quoter, but I can't deny that act of kindness haha.
Meanwhile, Maddy was sucking and sucking joyfully on her candy cane. Then, she innocently asked, "Rebekah, can you pull down the plastic?". I smiled and said "of course", but then I was horrified. There were strands of her hair stuck to the candy cane. As well as carpet and shirt lint, and who knows what. Yet she continued to suck and suck.
Gross. haha, I still love you Maddy but washing that candy cane wasn't fun.
By process of elimination, the focus of this story is on dear Abby.
Abby did give Stephen a few licks from her candy cane because of his pleading "cen-dyy caneee". Her candy cane did not have pieces of hair stuck onto it. In fact, she carefully sucked on the top to create a sharp point. While doing this, she busied herself with a math test of simple addition problems (because she loves them) and gleefully had a marker in one hand and a candy cane in the other. Both satisfied her hunger for sweets and knowledge.
I occupied myself by playing one of Isaac's songs on the piano since the Lee's had just left when I heard a cry of shock. I walked towards the bathroom to find Abby rinsing her mouth and Joy hovering over her.
Yes ladies and gents, she accidentally sucked the marker. She opened her mouth and indeed, was an unwanted blue mark lying on her tongue. I guess this is real-life evidence, proving multi-tasking to be impossible. If you multi-task, you'll end up eating Crayola markers.
Well that's it for this Friday's Babysitting Files. Tune in next time!
-January 12, 2018
So today, Joy gave out candy canes to all the kids (leftovers from her Christmas tree I'm assuming), and they were all giddy. She gave half to little Stephen, since a whole one would give him a crazy sugar rush.
It slipped from his tiny hands and down the half candy cane went. Poor Stephen was miserable. In a mixture of English and baby gibberish, he tugged on my shirt and huskily said, "cen-dyy canne".
His candy cane was shattered to pieces on the floor of Isaac's room.
The following events blew my mind. Victoria gave Stephen half of her candy cane (the top part that curls), but he begged for more after he gobbled it up in two minutes. "Cen-dyyy cannne", he muttered. Victoria, hearing the cries of her little brother, took action and gave away the rest of her candy cane. Points to her for being a great older sister.
I applauded her by saying, "Wow Victoria! That was so nice of you!". This girl walked down the hall and said "It's okay. It's better to be sweet than to eat sweets".
She is either wise beyond her years or a brilliant quoter, but I can't deny that act of kindness haha.
Meanwhile, Maddy was sucking and sucking joyfully on her candy cane. Then, she innocently asked, "Rebekah, can you pull down the plastic?". I smiled and said "of course", but then I was horrified. There were strands of her hair stuck to the candy cane. As well as carpet and shirt lint, and who knows what. Yet she continued to suck and suck.
Gross. haha, I still love you Maddy but washing that candy cane wasn't fun.
By process of elimination, the focus of this story is on dear Abby.
Abby did give Stephen a few licks from her candy cane because of his pleading "cen-dyy caneee". Her candy cane did not have pieces of hair stuck onto it. In fact, she carefully sucked on the top to create a sharp point. While doing this, she busied herself with a math test of simple addition problems (because she loves them) and gleefully had a marker in one hand and a candy cane in the other. Both satisfied her hunger for sweets and knowledge.
I occupied myself by playing one of Isaac's songs on the piano since the Lee's had just left when I heard a cry of shock. I walked towards the bathroom to find Abby rinsing her mouth and Joy hovering over her.
Yes ladies and gents, she accidentally sucked the marker. She opened her mouth and indeed, was an unwanted blue mark lying on her tongue. I guess this is real-life evidence, proving multi-tasking to be impossible. If you multi-task, you'll end up eating Crayola markers.
Well that's it for this Friday's Babysitting Files. Tune in next time!
-January 12, 2018
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