Luna Chun

                                     Usually I'm by myself 90% of the time at home. So it's nice to have a pet when I'm at home so I don't become bored to the point that I have to give up Youtube and korean dramas and stop watching Glee on Amazon Prime because I watch it to much. Right? ...... -_-
                                     Anyway, here's a list of things that I think it's cute my cat does or just things about my cat and other stuff. This is not Animal Planet or National Geographic, just somethings I would like to share, not that I expect you to be interested in it.


1. Luna meows really loud and high pitched when she wants attention, or if she saw you and you left the room, she will meow for your attention a couple of times. It's not even a's a......Luna-meow? I don't know.
2. Sometimes she comes to my room, meows and glares at me until I follow her downstairs. Then she will either a) carefully walk near me slowly to make sure I'm coming or b) run really fast down the stairs. If I stop in the midst of my tracks, she will sit and stare at me with those brownish orangish (ish?) eyes until I keep walking.
3. Luna follows me if I decide to run up and down the stairs. It's like a race, and no she does not do it to chase my legs, she actually stops if I stop. She usually wins...
4. This morning, she woke me up at like 5 or 6 a.m. because she was purring and resting on my stomach. Actually, I woke up because I needed to use the bathroom, but every time I tried to sit up on my bed to walk to the bathroom, she would put her paw on my belly and tried to sit again on my belly. 
5. I have a mattress leaning against my wall, and from my bed to the top of the mattress is a couple of feet away. Luna usually hangs out on top of the mattress and looks out the window. 
6. Sometimes when Luna hops up on top of the mattress, she fails and the whole mattress falls against my bed and it will startle her soooo much. 
7. I pronounce tissue paper and Luna married. She is always EATING it and playing with it. Don't be surprised when you come to our house and see this sign Grace made that says:
                                             PLEASE KEEP THE DOOR CLOSED! (:
                                                             (Keep Luna out) 
hahaha, I just wrote the title of this post, and I realized how asian Luna's name sounds. 
