
                                     Hello! This is my blog, I guess. Where i write what i want to write. Nobody could tell me what to do or complain on my blog, thankfully. (I don't mean to sound pushy).
Things I love:                                          Things i absolutely do NOT like:
- laughing                                                - talking about the dentist
- smiley faces                                          - going to the dentist               
- making new best friends                        - being at the dentist
- chocolate                                              - making an appointment for the dentist
- family                                                    - my sister telling me her pet peeves about me
- playing                                                  - being grumpy for no reason
- talking                                                   - homework
- soccer
- presents
- Jesus/God!!!!
- friends
- Chipotle
- no school                            I'm really happy there is no school today!!
- bible study with my mom                :) :) :) have a nice day.
- Sundays (especially church)                   
