Stranger Things Photoshoot w JoysPhotos
I know Stranger Things Season 2 was really hyped up around Halloween this past year, but I only got to watch the first three episodes during Thanksgiving break. (yeah, I know...lame). Finally, during my precious FULL spring break, I got to watch all of it and I'm obsessed. Background info: Our spring break went from one week to two days after all those darn inches of snow and that WwIiiNdd storm. Legislation changed it last minute. For some reason, I've always absolutely loved watching shows and movies. I think it goes for most high schoolers and people in general but I especially have an infatuation with them. Maybe it's because that's how I grew up (PBS kids 26-3 yo), but I love watching a really interesting youtube video or movie. I think that's why I was always interested in editing videos. The day will come where I will be able to get my hands on my own personal computer with a working premiere pro system mwahaha. I will be unstoppable. (Music covers? Inte...